Detecting forest fires through Air Quality Monitoring

Extreme temperatures and prolonged droughts recorded in recent years have significantly increased the risk of wildfires, even in areas where they were not a major issue in the past. These phenomena, caused by increasingly pronounced climate changes, endanger human lives, destroy natural habitats, and have a severe impact on air pollution levels and, consequently, public health. In 2023, an area approximately twice the size of Luxembourg was affected by fires in the European Union alone, amounting to over half a million hectares. So far in 2024, the number of fires is already nearly double the average for this time of year. Wildfires have caused severe environmental damage, producing approximately 20 megatonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to nearly a third of all international aviation emissions in the EU, in one year.

In the face of these challenges, authorities are seeking efficient solutions for the timely detection and isolation of fire outbreaks to prevent their spread and protect communities in risk areas.

Continuous air quality monitoring systems have proven to be among the most useful tools for detecting wildfires in their early stages. Sensors that accurately detect changes in the levels of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and fine particles (PM2.5 and PM10) in the air, as well as temperature and humidity, provide precise information that can help identify and locate fire outbreaks. Additionally, using a system that ensures connectivity allows data collected from multiple sensors to offer a real-time, clear picture, without the need for manual comparison of recorded parameters.

The Polludrone solution from Oizom

To provide authorities and intervention teams with the chance to respond quickly in case of a fire, Oizom has developed the Polludrone solution for continuous monitoring of all relevant ambient air quality parameters. Polludrone measures a wide range of indicators, including PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, noise, UV radiation, light, temperature, and humidity. Moreover, it transfers all this data in real-time, ensuring access to all essential information. The device is built to withstand intense heat and severe weather conditions, making it ideal for installation near high-risk areas. Additionally, Polludrone can be powered by solar panels and is equipped with a battery pack that ensures the device’s operation even in the event of a power outage during a fire.

The system provided by Oizom and exclusively distributed by Klarwin in Romania has already demonstrated its capabilities in early fire detection after being installed in several high-risk areas worldwide. Polludrone’s ability to efficiently record and transfer data has enabled authorities to take precautionary measures for the safety of intervention teams and communities in danger. At a time when climate changes increase the risk of fires, innovative technologies like Polludrone are vital for protecting environmental health and human lives.